Name | Role and Responsibility | Tel | Email ( | Office |
Chloe LAO | Functional Head | 8822-4691 | imanlao | N22-9001 |
Sherry WONG | Secretary to Director | 8822-4622 | waisanwong | N22-9003 |
Mariana CHIO | Payment / Reimbursement | 8822-8402 | marianachio | N22-9002 |
Jeff PONG | International Collaboration / Student & Teaching Affair | 8822-4875 | jeffpong | N22-9001 |
Ada WONG | Student & Teaching Affair | 8822-4685 | adawong | N22-9001 |
Katrina WONG | Human Resource / Research Affair | 8822-4697 | katwong | N22-9001 |
Name | Role and Responsibility | Tel | Email ( | Office |
Justina CHAN | Laboratory Management for N22-G/F | 8822-4883 | justinachan | N22-8031 |
Eric HUANG | Laboratory Management for SPF Laboratory Animal Centre | 8822-4539 | erichuang | N22-1046 |
Wing LEONG | Laboratory Management for N22-5/F | 8822-4699 | wengl | N22-5031 |
Andrew TAI | Laboratory Safety Officer Laboratory Management for N22-5/F | 8822-4511 | andrewtai | N22-5030 |
Fong LEONG | Laboratory Management for N22-6/F | 8822-9033 | fongleong | N22-6029 |
Samuel TAM | Laboratory Management for N22-6/F | 8822-8040 | samueltam | N22-6029 |
Chris CHAN | Laboratory Management for N22-7/F | 8822-4880 | chrischan | N22-7005 |
Leon LAI | Laboratory Safety Officer Laboratory Management for N22-8/F | 8822-4686 | leonlai | N22-6033 |
Keith LEI | Laboratory Management for N22-8/F | 8822-4671 | keithl | N22-8031 |
Name | Role and Responsibility | Tel | Email ( | Office |
Dorian NG | Laboratory Safety Officer Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-4515 | dorianng | N25-G001 |
Amber LAO | Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-4204 | amberlao | N25-G001 |
Yan, In Cheng CHAO | Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-9972 | inchengchao | N25-1025 |
Wai Tak WONG | Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-9040 | waitakwong | N25-1025 |
Katherine, Keng Ieng WONG | Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-4203 | kengiengwong | N25-1025 |
Shirley, She Xia ZHAN | Macao Centre for Testing of Chinese Medicine, University of Macau | 8822-8854 | shexiazhan | N25-1025 |