Before entering and working in our Laboratories, please read our Safety Materials, Guidelines for Laboratories Waste Handling and Guidelines for Managing Chemicals in Laboratories.
(Apologize for only Chinese version available for some materials)
澳門第12/2022號法律《危險品監管法律制度》專頁介紹 (澳門)
澳門第17/2009號法律《禁止不法生產、販賣和吸食麻醉藥品及精神藥物相關法律 》(澳門)
- Training Materials for Laboratory Safety_HSEO 2023
- Training Materials for Laboratory Safety_ICMS 2023
- ICMS Laboratory Room Safety Source Guideline (課題組安全協調員要求指引)
- Safety Facilities Introduction (實驗室安全設備簡介)
- Chemical Spill Drill (化學泄漏處理方法)
- Laboratory Emergency Response Guide (實驗室緊急情況應對方法)
- 實驗室安全事故報告表 Laboratory Accident or Incident Report Form (請按以上連結到HSEO網站自行下載最新版報告表 Please download the Form from HSEO website)
Chemical Storage 化學品存放需知
- 易燃物品櫃 (Cabinet for Flammables),只可以存放法規第三類易燃物品,即甲醇、乙醇、石油醚等。如櫃裡面有其他類(例如冰醋酸,屬第八類)應放置在酸性物品櫃 (Cabinet for Acids) 內,不得混放。原則上酸性物質和鹼性物質亦要隔開存放。
- 根據27/2023號行政法律附件二和化學品的MSDS,第一要查法規,例如第三類第八類化學品是否相容,第二要查化學品MSDS中所記載的化學穩定性,兩方面都表明兩種化學品都穩定,才可以共同擺放。
- 一些不在相關法規記載的危險品範圍裡的化學品,建議另行分開擺放(不屬於第一至第九類)。
- 固體和液體試劑不能共同擺放於同一試劑櫃內。
- 試劑櫃上要標示好化學品屬於法規第幾類。
- 第107/2023號行政長官批示所規定之危險品列表 EXCEL file (download)
第27/2023號行政法規 附件二 一般隔離規定 (第三十八條第一款所指者)
- Cabinet for Flammables can only store flammable substances in Category 3 of the regulations, e.g. methanol, ethanol, petroleum ether, etc. If there are other types of substances in the cabinet (e.g. glacial acetic acid, which belongs to Category 8), they should be placed in the Cabinet for Acids and should not be mixed. In principle, acidic and alkaline substances should also be kept separate.
- According to the Annex II of the Macau Administrative Law 27/2023 and the MSDS of chemicals, firstly, we have to check the regulations, for example, the compatibility of Cat. III or Cat. VIII chemicals, and secondly, we have to check the chemical stability recorded in the MSDS of the chemicals, both of which show that the two chemicals are stable, then they are allowed to be co-located.
- Some chemicals that do not fall within the scope of dangerous goods as recorded in the relevant regulations are proposed to be stored separately (not belonging to Categories I to IX).
- Solid and liquid reagents should not be placed together in the same reagent cabinet.
- Reagent cabinets should be labelled to indicate which category of Dangerous Goods the chemical belongs to.
- 第107/2023號行政長官批示所規定之危險品列表 EXCEL file (download)
- 火警發生時應採取的措施(中英) Fire Evacuation(Chi&Eng)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic8t2yuXVdc&t=22s - 正確使用滅火筒之步驟(中英) Fire Extinguisher Demo(Chi&Eng)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM3Rap9ORGg - 正確使用消防喉轆之步驟(中英) Fire Hose Reel Demo(Chi&Eng)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGHxty9jcKs - 外出及休息前謹記關好爐火(中葡) Turn Off Stove before going out (Chi&Port)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQryxQ4GhdU - 家居用電安全(中葡) Electricity Safety (Chi&Port)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gnnavlbuJ4 - 防煙門應保持常關(中葡) Keep Smoke Doors Closed (Chi&Port)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJQs2pT4jgc - 請將救護服務留給真正有需要的人(中葡) Use Ambulance Service Properly(Chi&Port)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AFOmUXXgrs - 正確撲滅廚房小火方法(中英) How to put out small kitchen fire (Chi&Eng)
If you have question to the laboratory safety, please contact us by email: icms_safety@um.edu.mo.
如對實驗室安全相關有任何疑問, 歡迎電郵致 icms_safety@um.edu.mo.